Thursday, July 9, 2009

The Moonwalker Prophecy

Death of Michael Jackson

The way I see it, events are time portals, especially those that send shockwaves around the world. A chain of countless 'coincidences' culminate in an eruption known as 'event'. A butterfly flapping its wings causing a hurricane on the other side of the world. The longer we fail to recognize such a sequence, the bigger the resultant 'eruption'. Our attention alleviates the 'pressure', because it all begin with seeds of truth and truth by its nature wants to be known. As a 'force' like gravity it demands our attention or we suffer the consequences, like for instance 9/11, or the latest example, the sudden death of Michael Jackson. Taking us by surprise, they force us to pay attention. Better late than never. By that time it's nothing but a big all 'X marking the spot', a guaranteed treasure-trove of hidden knowledge. You start digging and you shall find treasure. It's in effect a timegate through which the past and the future leak into the present, into our conscious awareness. That's one way to look at it in any case.n & Rebirth of Princess Diana?

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