Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Michael Jackson Hidden Truth

In my mind the "real" Michael Jackson...the "Thriller" Michael Jackson...the "Don't Stop til You Get Enough" Michael Jackson...died January 27, 1984.

I think the Pepsi fireworks accident that occurred on set during a commercial shoot that day was worse than reported, and that, yes, Michael Jackson's burns were severe enough to have killed him. And I think they did.

So what was with all of the albums, and mayhem that's ensued in the decades since? I think in 1984 Michael Jackson was a walking money factory. "Thriller" had become the greatest selling album of all time - that can't be belittled...the man went from pop star to global phenomenon in a couple of years. In 1984, Michael Jackson's very existence meant certain people were going to make boatloads, hell, cruise-ship loads of cash-money. He was the goose laying golden eggs. That is, many people would get really rich as long as this guy was still breathing. So, his fame got to the point where even if he DID die, he still couldn't be allowed to be "dead"...catch my drift?

I think a small gathering...a war room session...took place shortly after Michael Jackson's death. The public was being told of Jackson's hospitalization...but there was no internet...no TMZ...no instant access. I think the guy was gone and those who stood to lose potential billions colluded to find a somewhat convincing impostor to carry on the brand...and continue bringing in that green.

Ok, so in the years after "Thriller" this impostor became increasingly pale, and touched kids, and shaved his nose, and waved babies, and just became "wacko". But really, if you're willing to sign a contract agreeing to BECOME someone else...for the rest of your life to pretend you're someone you're not...well, you're likely bat-s**t crazy anyway aren't you?

I think in 1984 or '85 the execs got their guy...a talented singer and dancer "thrill"ed with the opportunity (forgive me), helped by various music writing pros, and vocal production wizards. Listen to the tracks on albums after "Thriller"...listen closely to the voice...it's not him. The new guy did an effective enough job in the videos, and in the ever-increasingly rare public appearances...but I think eventually those few in the know came to see that their paid impostor was growing increasingly crazy - and in that they saw a new marketing tack to exploit.

If you lived under that much control...your every move scrutinized in order to maintain the secret...your very life a contract to play someone else - well, I think you'd lose it too. So, this new guy who was "on board" in the "Bad" era...likely started to believe his own hype...began to buy into his new lofty lifestyle - probably even believed that he was/is the real Michael Jackson. And so, by the time "Dangerous" came out his eccentricities were become all the more apparent.

Now, for starters...let's look at the skin...I don't care what anyone says you can't just inject white into your skin - ESPECIALLY not in the mid to late 1980s - look at the difference in technology then and now. Geezuz, in the mid to late 80s people still thought the key-tar was edgy. Hell, it's 2009, and we're still trying to perfect hair dye...forget skin.

Look at how long the time was between "Thriller" and "Bad"...then look at the videos supporting both albums. Like I said, I think the few conspirators in the know found their ideal guy...and 1987 Michael looks pretty similar to 1984 Michael, but he is definitely paler. It's not the same guy! The new Michael was found sometime in '84...and kept secret, trained in private...perfected the moves for a few years, and then boom...1987 came the re-launch.

In addition to my speculation...and while I don't suggest it's a good idea to listen to David Gest spout off on...well...anything - I think it is worth considering that he'd been a close friend of Jackson's prior to the "Thriller" era and he's made a few curious comments. His mentioning that his friend "changed" after that Pepsi commercial accident may be telling.

Some might argue it'd be impossible to keep such a plot quiet, that people are if anything, incapable of keeping their mouths shut...but I'm not saying this is something that had to involve many people...I'm suggesting, three or four perhaps - could be a few more, could be a couple less. Then one might argue, what about the family? Have you seen the Jackson family? Do I even need to quantify an argument surrounding the level of dysfunction inherent in that clan? An abusive father...a childhood with no privacy...major sibling resentment (Janet excluded of course)...hell those people could've been told of the plan to introduce this new impostor on the occasion of MJ's death, and merely shrugged it off with a payoff of some kind...they could have even signed off on the whole charade - what were they losing? Then again, they, like everyone else might have been kept at arms length following the accident, and accepted the lie that this new guy was the same old Michael.

And really, the whole "wacko" persona plays into the conspirators' hands doesn't it? People start pointing fingers...start noting the stark contrast between "Thriller" Michael Jackson and post-"Thriller" Michael Jackson - people started to note the differences. So, how was it played off? With rumor and innuendo about botched plastic surgeries, skin dye treatments, hyperbaric chambers, elephant bones, sleeping with children, and on and on. The crazier this guy was made to seem...the less time we'd actually have to see this impersonator in the flesh...well...the more easily fleeced we'd all be, no?

I'm telling you...Michael Jackson, the man himself...THE Michael Jackson...died 25 years ago. He left us...he is no more. The Michael Jackson brand...the corporation...it lives on. All of this stuff that's been invented for publicity, to keep people interested, and buying the music has done its job. And this wacked out Asian lady we see on TMZ, well he/she is/was a talented, troubled impostor originally hired in the 80s to carry on being the singing, dancing "King of Pop". Then when he/she started letting his crazy quirks get the better of him/her, those that first hatched the continuation-of-profit plot decided the best way to handle the scrutiny that would come, was to use the media against their contractee...to use this mentally unstable impostor's troubles as a marketing tool for the brand they'd hope to perpetuate.

Before Pepsi Accident:

After Pepsi Accident:

You think?

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