Sunday, July 19, 2009

Still Believe that was Mike At The O2?

click Images to view full pictures.
you be the judge.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Michael Jackson: Ghost and UFO sightings

The ghost and UFO sightings associated with Michael Jackson's passing continue and are symptomatic of the larger than life role he played in our collective psyche according to paranormal personality Michael Cohen.

Last week we reported the following story:

Angelina Ramos, aged 38, a beautician and Manila native has been a serious Jackson fan 'all her life'. Last year never-married Angelina contracted a rare blood disease. Doctors gave her a ninety percent chance of not surviving for more than a year.

Angelina was shattered when her hero died. Two days after Jackson's passing Angelina woke up at night and felt a presence in her bedroom. She sat up and felt a hand pull her back down. She looked up and she saw her hero.'He looked radiant, at peace, absolutely beautiful. It was Michael for sure. He had a warm smile on his on his face' said Angelina.
'I was both stunned and at the same time uplifted'.

'He then touched my face and told me that my problems are over. He said I have nothing to worry about and that I should not be sad for him either for he has gone to a wonderful place and his pain too is now gone'.

'The next day I went to the doctor for the usual check-up. The doctor came out and told me that my disease was in remission. He was so surprised. He said he could not undersand but I should be jumping for joy. Michael cured me' concluded Angelina.

Paranormal personality Michael Cohen noted that 'Many such events will be dreams and we can expected many more of these stories. If Michael Jackson brings comfort to so many of his fans we should not be too skeptical. Of course, some of these events may well be real'

We also had a UFO sighting at Neverland reported to us:

'I had just flown in from Cleveland to LA for business and was driving thru Grand Ave in Los Olivos, California at around 5am in the morning on the way to an early sales meeting.
I see a glowing bright green light slightly to the North and I know it sounds kind of timely and weird but this hovering light appeared to be situated right over where Michael Jackson's Neverland Ranch would stand. It was way larger than a star and appeared sphere shaped. The UFO hovered for a few minutes and then shot up and off. Thought you might be interested. It really did happen, this is no joke. Happy to respond to emails.

Regards Dave Russo.'

Since these stories we have had a rash of new UFO and ghost related emails, such as the one below, with similar themes:

'I don't really believe in things like this but a day or two after MJ passed, me & my 2 1/2 yr old son were in bed for the night...and he was looking up above our bed, near the ceiling & wall, like he was looking at something specifically, and he was smiling, and he kept saying "Jackson" very clearly. I loved MJ but am not obsessed or dillusional. I will always wonder what my son was really seeing. He definetely saw something. And "Jackson" is not a common word for him to be saying out the blue (other than he'd been on the news all day). Maybe it was MJ...'

Now unconfirmed reports of a UFO being seen at the public memorial in LA are starting to filter across the internet. We will keep you updated.

Something to speculate!

^^Click Image to view full spread.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Thursday, July 9, 2009

The Moonwalker Prophecy

Death of Michael Jackson

The way I see it, events are time portals, especially those that send shockwaves around the world. A chain of countless 'coincidences' culminate in an eruption known as 'event'. A butterfly flapping its wings causing a hurricane on the other side of the world. The longer we fail to recognize such a sequence, the bigger the resultant 'eruption'. Our attention alleviates the 'pressure', because it all begin with seeds of truth and truth by its nature wants to be known. As a 'force' like gravity it demands our attention or we suffer the consequences, like for instance 9/11, or the latest example, the sudden death of Michael Jackson. Taking us by surprise, they force us to pay attention. Better late than never. By that time it's nothing but a big all 'X marking the spot', a guaranteed treasure-trove of hidden knowledge. You start digging and you shall find treasure. It's in effect a timegate through which the past and the future leak into the present, into our conscious awareness. That's one way to look at it in any case.n & Rebirth of Princess Diana?

Continue Reading

Were there signs in michael's music all along?

3:17-"Oh God, he's taking Demerol" (sad as f**k, cry for help style)

"Morphine"-"A heart attack baby"(predicting his own death?)

you be the judge

Fake MJ at O2 Press Conference

* right. There was that impossibly square chin, for a start - a bizarre cosmetic enhancement, even for Michael Jackson.

Then there was the voice, several octaves lower than the dog-whistle whisper the King of Pop normally adopts in front of his adoring fans.

Study the walk as well - a slightly hunched gait you might not expect from someone who ranks among the world's most spectacular dance performers.
Jackson leaving his London hotel last week

The real King of Pop? Michael Jackson leaving his London hotel last week

Amid massively hyped scenes at London's O2 Arena nine days ago, this was Michael Jackson addressing a press conference. Or was it?

As tickets for his extended series of 50 summer shows sold out in record time yesterday - with prices of up to a staggering £25,000 being demanded on the resale market - an intriguing question was beginning to trouble even some of his most unwavering supporters. Was the quivering figure in the aviator shades and sparkly jacket that day an imposter?

Naturally, the official response is that it was Jacko. But they would say that, wouldn't they? Others are speculating that - for whatever reason - it was merely a convincing impersonator.

The internet is buzzing with suggestions that the MJ the world saw during a four-minute appearance at O2 might not have been the MJ fans know and love.

Ludicrous conjecture? Well, maybe so. But like many internet-based rumours, this one is beginning to snowball.
Double trouble: Michael Jackson, left, with impersonator Navi

Double trouble: Michael Jackson, left, with impersonator Navi

Speculation began even before the nervous-looking figure stepped through the scarlet silk curtains. No explanation was given for why he was more than 90 minutes late. Questions over his health circulated in the throng.

The first glimpse of him was on a giant video screen above the stage. It certainly looked like Michael Jackson. The jacket was a cross between circus-ring MC and Eastern European military. Boots, sunglasses, and jet-black hair. All OK so far.

But then came the walk, an awkward, loping stride. He paused momentarily beside a golf cart, probably assuming it was going to take him into the arena - but was ushered in on foot.

Next, the voice. The few words he stumbled over at the microphone had far more bass than many expected. If you closed your eyes you would surely have had trouble identifying him as the more familiar, childlike 50-year-old with a penchant for spending time innocently with small boys.
The old face: Jackson in the Thriller video in 1984

The old face: Jackson in the Thriller video in 1984

Trouble is, surgery and image enhancement mean that few people really know what MJ will look like when they meet him.

Whatever differences there might have been, however, it was enough to get the internet theorists moving. One site draws attention to his hands (fingers not long enough to be Michael's, apparently). Another suggests he was too tall.

But why use a lookalike? The (speculative) theory is that Jackson - filmed falling on the steps of his minibus before it left for the Arena - was either injured or too ill to appear in person. With millions at stake in ticket sales, who would be bold enough to disappoint the waiting fans and international broadcasters now?

Jackson, a 13- Grammy award winner, is one of the most successful performers on the planet. He has sold over 750million records.

Spoof stories about him are rife, including one detailing how an impersonator has been fooling fans for years after MJ's corpse was found on his Neverland ranch.

Nor is it the first time he has been at the centre of 'lookalike' controversy. In 1999 'Michael' made an unlikely appearance at the Queen's Theatre in Barnstaple, north Devon, during an event run by martial arts school entrepreneur Matt Fiddes. Accompanied by ten bodyguards, he sang four numbers before vanishing in a stretch limo.

Many of the 450 present, including backstage theatre staff, were convinced they had been in the presence of a music legend. Even a statement from Jackson's record company, making it clear he was in Los Angeles at the time, failed to dampen enthusiasm.
Jackson announces plans for a summer residency at the O2 Arena in London

This is it: Jackson announces plans for a summer residency at the O2 Arena

Mr Fiddes, 28, has always refused to confirm the identity of his star turn - but had no such reservations about the O2 appearance. 'It was definitely Michael,' he said. 'He looked a bit thinner than normal, and maybe he didn't seem quite himself, but the voice was right.'

Jackson's double 'Navi', regarded as his No 1 impersonator, also dismissed the rumours.

The Essex-based lookalike, who has previously acted as a decoy for the star, was mobbed outside the Arena that day by fans who were convinced he was the real thing. 'That was Michael Jackson, I'd stake my life on it,' he told me. 'He is so reclusive, most people don't know what he really looks like. When he's not on stage, he does walk with a slight hunch.

'If that wasn't Michael Jackson, I might as well give up - because it means there must be someone out there who's better than me.'

Perhaps unsurprisingly, the rumours were greeted with derision in the Jackson camp.

'It's completely ridiculous,' an Arena source said. 'We can categorically guarantee it was Michael Jackson on stage. Maybe Elvis was at the press conference too.'

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Michael Jackson & The Number 7?!?

-- Michael Jackson signed his will on 7/7/02.
-- Michael Jackson's memorial was on 7/7/09 ... exactly 7 years after the will was signed.
-- Michael Jackson's two biggest hits -- "Black & White" and "Billie Jean" -- were each #1 for 7 weeks.
-- Michael Jackson's three biggest albums -- "Thriller," "Bad" and "Dangerous" -- each produced 7 top 40 hits.
-- Michael Jackson was the 7th of 9 children.
-- Michael Jackson was born in 1958 ... 19 + 58 = 77
-- Michael Jackson died on the 25th ... 2 + 5 = 7
-- Michael Jackson has 7 letters in his first and last name.

Makes you wonder.

Food for thought

Watch this video, I have a feeling facts in this video will be a key element in any Michael Jackson theories that will come to light within the coming days.


Were the Judeao/Masons trying to make MJ look like this ancient egyptian Goddess ? Did they purposefully bungle his plastic surgery so his nose would fall off just like this ? I wouldn’t put it past them…..

Michael Jackson Hidden Truth

In my mind the "real" Michael Jackson...the "Thriller" Michael Jackson...the "Don't Stop til You Get Enough" Michael Jackson...died January 27, 1984.

I think the Pepsi fireworks accident that occurred on set during a commercial shoot that day was worse than reported, and that, yes, Michael Jackson's burns were severe enough to have killed him. And I think they did.

So what was with all of the albums, and mayhem that's ensued in the decades since? I think in 1984 Michael Jackson was a walking money factory. "Thriller" had become the greatest selling album of all time - that can't be belittled...the man went from pop star to global phenomenon in a couple of years. In 1984, Michael Jackson's very existence meant certain people were going to make boatloads, hell, cruise-ship loads of cash-money. He was the goose laying golden eggs. That is, many people would get really rich as long as this guy was still breathing. So, his fame got to the point where even if he DID die, he still couldn't be allowed to be "dead"...catch my drift?

I think a small gathering...a war room session...took place shortly after Michael Jackson's death. The public was being told of Jackson's hospitalization...but there was no instant access. I think the guy was gone and those who stood to lose potential billions colluded to find a somewhat convincing impostor to carry on the brand...and continue bringing in that green.

Ok, so in the years after "Thriller" this impostor became increasingly pale, and touched kids, and shaved his nose, and waved babies, and just became "wacko". But really, if you're willing to sign a contract agreeing to BECOME someone else...for the rest of your life to pretend you're someone you're not...well, you're likely bat-s**t crazy anyway aren't you?

I think in 1984 or '85 the execs got their guy...a talented singer and dancer "thrill"ed with the opportunity (forgive me), helped by various music writing pros, and vocal production wizards. Listen to the tracks on albums after "Thriller"...listen closely to the's not him. The new guy did an effective enough job in the videos, and in the ever-increasingly rare public appearances...but I think eventually those few in the know came to see that their paid impostor was growing increasingly crazy - and in that they saw a new marketing tack to exploit.

If you lived under that much control...your every move scrutinized in order to maintain the secret...your very life a contract to play someone else - well, I think you'd lose it too. So, this new guy who was "on board" in the "Bad" era...likely started to believe his own hype...began to buy into his new lofty lifestyle - probably even believed that he was/is the real Michael Jackson. And so, by the time "Dangerous" came out his eccentricities were become all the more apparent.

Now, for starters...let's look at the skin...I don't care what anyone says you can't just inject white into your skin - ESPECIALLY not in the mid to late 1980s - look at the difference in technology then and now. Geezuz, in the mid to late 80s people still thought the key-tar was edgy. Hell, it's 2009, and we're still trying to perfect hair dye...forget skin.

Look at how long the time was between "Thriller" and "Bad"...then look at the videos supporting both albums. Like I said, I think the few conspirators in the know found their ideal guy...and 1987 Michael looks pretty similar to 1984 Michael, but he is definitely paler. It's not the same guy! The new Michael was found sometime in '84...and kept secret, trained in private...perfected the moves for a few years, and then boom...1987 came the re-launch.

In addition to my speculation...and while I don't suggest it's a good idea to listen to David Gest spout off on...well...anything - I think it is worth considering that he'd been a close friend of Jackson's prior to the "Thriller" era and he's made a few curious comments. His mentioning that his friend "changed" after that Pepsi commercial accident may be telling.

Some might argue it'd be impossible to keep such a plot quiet, that people are if anything, incapable of keeping their mouths shut...but I'm not saying this is something that had to involve many people...I'm suggesting, three or four perhaps - could be a few more, could be a couple less. Then one might argue, what about the family? Have you seen the Jackson family? Do I even need to quantify an argument surrounding the level of dysfunction inherent in that clan? An abusive father...a childhood with no privacy...major sibling resentment (Janet excluded of course)...hell those people could've been told of the plan to introduce this new impostor on the occasion of MJ's death, and merely shrugged it off with a payoff of some kind...they could have even signed off on the whole charade - what were they losing? Then again, they, like everyone else might have been kept at arms length following the accident, and accepted the lie that this new guy was the same old Michael.

And really, the whole "wacko" persona plays into the conspirators' hands doesn't it? People start pointing fingers...start noting the stark contrast between "Thriller" Michael Jackson and post-"Thriller" Michael Jackson - people started to note the differences. So, how was it played off? With rumor and innuendo about botched plastic surgeries, skin dye treatments, hyperbaric chambers, elephant bones, sleeping with children, and on and on. The crazier this guy was made to seem...the less time we'd actually have to see this impersonator in the flesh...well...the more easily fleeced we'd all be, no?

I'm telling you...Michael Jackson, the man himself...THE Michael Jackson...died 25 years ago. He left us...he is no more. The Michael Jackson brand...the lives on. All of this stuff that's been invented for publicity, to keep people interested, and buying the music has done its job. And this wacked out Asian lady we see on TMZ, well he/she is/was a talented, troubled impostor originally hired in the 80s to carry on being the singing, dancing "King of Pop". Then when he/she started letting his crazy quirks get the better of him/her, those that first hatched the continuation-of-profit plot decided the best way to handle the scrutiny that would come, was to use the media against their use this mentally unstable impostor's troubles as a marketing tool for the brand they'd hope to perpetuate.

Before Pepsi Accident:

After Pepsi Accident:

You think?